Communication: Moving Forward
Bridge Pointe is a warm and inviting community that offers many opportunities to get involved through its various events scheduled throughout the year. Currently, paper newsletters are created, published and distributed to individual household by volunteers, but this is changing. Ken Nelson has faithfully served Bridge Pointe neighborhood for over 15 years by publishing, The Pointe, Bridge Pointe’s very own newsletter. Ken is ready to ‘retire’ from his volunteer job and therefore we are moving to an electronic version of The Pointe. Our goal is to provide updated, timely and concise information to each household via email. A group of volunteer neighbors are
working tirelessly to make sure each household in Bridge Pointe has a current email address and phone number on file. If you have received an email, Facebook message, phone call or letter on your door handle, please respond as soon as possible to confirm we have the correct contact information. Please know that this information will be protected and that it will be used to share important Bridge Pointe and general community news.
You don’t need to wait for us to find you. Please contact me directly at 816-519-7371 or to confirm that we have your updated contact information.
submitted by neighbor: Kristy Cofer
The Bridge Pointe Pool: Cooler Than You Think
The Bridge Pointe Pool is a bigger deal to this neighborhood than you might think.
One benefit of the new card entry system (now in its second year) is the information now available regarding how much the pool is being used, by who, and when.
*Here are some key and interesting data points from this summer:
- 107 (53%) households visited the pool
- 9 visits was the average per household
- 35 households had 9 or more visits to the pool
- Saturday and Sunday are the biggest days to visit the pool–40% of visits happen on the weekend.
- July 6 (Thu) and July 9 (Sun) were the two biggest days–101 visits
Continuing to monitor this data may help us determine some better times to service the pool during the summer. The information also adds justification to ongoing efforts to bring up the level of maintenance the pool deserves to keep it looking like a neighborhood asset we care about.
*The card system measures “unlocks” connected to specific neighborhood addresses. I have substituted households for addresses and unlocks for visits in order to make the data simple to understand.
data submitted by Jason White, HOA President
Change is in the Air!
There is a lot of work happening in the neighborhood to plan, upgrade, maintain, and even replace our aging community property. As has been mentioned in other stories and in a few videos, the board is working to ensure better communication with all neighbors regarding all of this repair/upgrade decisions.
“It is time to streamline communication with our neighbors and use common technology now available to inform,” says our association president, Jason White. “Let’s start with telling our members what we have accomplished this year, what is planned for next year, and what we are going to do to change the way we speak with them,” he says.
“We started a 5-Year Planning process early last year and we have been steadily implementing that plan. It continues to be a tough process because we are catching up with maintenance issues that had been deferred and at the same time we are working to increase our reserves which need to be significantly higher”, reported Jason.
Below are a list of repairs/upgrades to our community property since 2016 as well as the related costs (in red):
November Events
November 10th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm TGIF Social Hour hosted by Danny Ray.
November 12th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm HOA Board Meeting at Kristy Cofer’s home.
November 24th from 7:00 pm to 11:30 pm Kitchen Table Poker hosted by John Azodi.
See the Calendar for all the Bridge PointeNeighborhood events.
Fall Fun in Bridge Pointe:
Hayrides, Pumpkin Painting and Trick-or-Treating

Fall is a wonderful time to celebrate in our neighborhood! This year Bridge Pointe held the 1st Annual Family Fall Party at the pool area. Over 50 neighbors came to enjoy hayrides, s’mores by the fire, pumpkin painting, chili dogs, hot chocolate and even a costume parade!

Laura Crawford, a neighbor who helped organize the event said, “It was great to see so many families attend the party. The kids loved the hayride and kept asking if there would be a party next year.”

Another fall event was the 7th annual Oktoberfest. It was held on October 22nd this year and offered plenty of opportunities for socializing. Neighbors brought sides dishes to enjoy and Danny Ray grilled up some delicious bratwursts for all to enjoy. The adults chatted while kids played basketball and colored with chalk. It was a beautiful day to be outside with neighbors!

Fall won’t be complete without Halloween! Annually the neighborhood is flooded with trick-or-treaters and this year was no different. Spooks and witches crowded the streets in search of candy. Many neighbors gather together to hand out candy in a location Heidi Knaak refers to as the “Honey Hole.”This “Honey Hole” is the location where 11 neighbors meet at a driveway huddled around a fire pit on 83rd street to pass out candy to the masses. If trick-or-treaters can make it to this location–they have hit the jackpot! Those who choose to brave the trick-or-treaters alone, could be seen passing out candy from well lit porches. Kevin Keeton decided to scare trick-or-treaters by sitting alone in his duck blind to pass out candy. Children passing by didn’t even notice the “large bush” until it started “talking!” What a great place to live! Thank you to everyone that made fall in Bridge Pointe so fun!
Help? Dying Ash Trees
Are you one of the many neighbors with dying ash trees in your front yard? Many neighbors are finding themselves in a bind as Emerald Ash Borers continue to kill Ash trees in the neighborhood. Many of these trees were planted by the city and Jennifer Keeton, a Bridge Pointe neighbor, researched the steps to take to get the city to help.